The Why Theatre?! collaborative program of Het Huis Utrecht and Theatre Studies / Utrecht University will continue this season as Why Theatre XL! The Why Theatre XL! are extended editions that focus on actual and relevant topics in contemporary theatre and performance, building connections between theory and practice.
This Why Theatre XL! investigates spectatorship and the public space and is powered by Platform – Scenography (P-S).
Approaches to spectatorship in theatre and performance have changed radically during the past decennia, and theorists and practitioners alike have raised the question where actually the spectacle takes place. In this Why Theatre? XL, P-S investigates sites of spectatorship beyond the theatre building, by exposing public spaces as scenographic spaces. Collaboratively, we will explore how we are addressed by those spaces, and delve into the design of spectatorship
Platform-Scenography is an analogue and digital network by and for scenographers, which immerses itself in scenographic thinking and working.
Why Theatre XL on Spectatorship
Datum: Tijd: Locatie:
29/09/16 16:30 - 19:00 Het Huis, Utrecht,