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Platform-Scenography (P-S) is an analogue and digital network with the goal to make scenography as an independent design discipline visible. P-S offers a platform where scenographers from different disciplines, in and outside of theatre, can meet each other to exchange and share their expertise and thinking.

Via encounters, interdisciplinary crossings and confrontations, P-S stimulates the search for a common language. With the help of this language the actual scenographic practice can be named, discussed and analysed in a more adequate way then it is currently the case. The temporarily of the performance, the fleetingness of the medium needs the language to persist.

Through the exchange of scenographers and dramaturges the deepening of the reflection on scenography is possible. The dramaturgical gaze can contribute to scenography and the scenographic thinking can enrich the dramaturgical practice.

To intensify the reflection on scenography, P-S consciously leaves the field of theatre and engages with other, to scenography related, disciplines such as (landscape)architecture, public space design, fashion, graphic design and art. P-S believes that these disciplines can learn from each other and wants to support and facilitate the exchange between them. In our opinion does the scenographic thinking transcend over discipline borders, in it’s working and thinking with time-based scenario’s, developments and processes.

Artistic coordinator

Anne Karin ten Bosch
Sigrid Merx

Editorial department

Nienke Scholts, Sanne Leufkens,
Liesbeth Groot Nibbelink, Trudi Maan,
Sigrid Merx, Joost van Wijmen,
Sanne Danz, Anne Karin ten Bosch,
Ariane Trümper


Supervisory board

Gepke Bouma
Henk van der Geest
Mirjam Grote Gansey
Francien van Westrenen

Platform-Scenography searches, creates and finds space for

encounters and the scenographic discourse.

Anne Karin ten Bosch

Artistieke leiding

Sigrid Merx

Artistieke leiding

Liesbeth Groot Nibbelink


Trudi Maan


Nienke Scholts


Sanne Leufkens


Ariane Trümper


Joost van Wijmen


Sanne Danz


The advisory committee thinks that the research is relevant to the Dutch scenography's profile abroad. Furthermore did they positively remark the expertise of the applicant and the concerned parties.

Stimuleringsfonds creatieve industrie over P-S’ participation at the PQ

The committee expects that the project is able to deliver a meaningful contribution to the development and profiling of the ability to discriminate of the Dutch creative industry.

Stimuleringsfonds creatieve industrie over PS’ plan for the PQ

The committee thinks that the approach has substance and that the topic is thought through and therefore expects the project to lead to a valuable outcome.

Stimuleringsfonds creatieve industrie over PS’ plan for the PQ

Curators PQ2015

Ester van de Wiel
Iris Schutten
Sanne Danz
Sigrid Merx

Mirjam Grote Gansey
Anne Karin ten Bosch

Committee of recommendation

Marc Warning
Maaike Bleeker
Carly Everaert
Herbert Janse


Guido Jansen
Eric de Ruijter
met dank aan Margreeth Eringa


Noord voor Woord, Sandra van Noord

Tangerine Design, Maryam Afshar
(concept, design + development)

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