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In her research, Danish costume designer and researcher Charlotte Østergaard suggested, that listening through and with co-costuming (a costume that are worn by two or more people) is an invitation to cultivate material-discursive ways of listening – where listening implies that we individually and collectively sense and think through and with the spatiality and materiality of the costume that connects us.

In her artistic research she studies how listening to each other’s experiences of tangling through and with co-costuming allows participants to enter a dialogical space of doing and thinking­ together. In her research Charlotte argues that if we try to stretch towards different Others a listening and dialogical space can emerge where we ‘thinking-with a host of companions in sympoietic’ (Haraway 2016: 31).

Charlotte Østergaard is a Danish visual artist/designer, educator, and researcher. Currently Charlotte is PhD fellow (artistic research) at Malmö Theatre Academy at Lund University. She shared her findings at the recent Critical Costume 2022 conference.

Charlotte Østergaard will continue her project at next Prague Quadrennial, June 2023. Visitors are invited to participate in a community walk during the festival as part of the research.

link CC22:

instagram: unfoldingmyworld

LU research site:


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